Madonna University is a Laudato Si’ University

The MU community has signed on to the Laudato Si' Action Platform, a global initiative inspired by Pope Francis’ encyclical letter On Care of Our Common Home (Laudato Si’) that will guide our journey to ecological renewal by 2030.

What is Laudato Si’

An encyclical letter from Pope Francis addressed to “every living person on this planet” (LS 3), published in May 2015. It focuses on care for the natural environment and all people.

What does Laudato Si’ Mean

The first words of Laudato Si’ are Italian and translate as “praise be to you.” They are part of a quotation from St. Francis of Assisi’s “Canticle of the Creatures” that opens the encyclical in which the saint praises God by meditating on the goodness of sun, wind, Earth, water, and other natural forces.

The choice of this passage to begin Laudato Si’ is a reminder of how people of faith should not only respect Earth but also praise and honor God through their engagement with creation.

Understanding Integral Ecology

In this video, Fr. Daniel P. Horan, OFM explores the meaning of Integral Ecology, a key component of the Laudato Si’ Action Platform:

Laudato Si’ Action Platform at Madonna
7 Goals

1. Response to the Cry of the Earth

  • Pollinator Hotels
  • No-impact Week
  • Solar Panels on Campus
  • Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

2. Respect for the Cry of the Poor

  • Weekly employee newsletter features social justice perspectives

3. Ecological Economics

  • Laudato Si’ Store for swapping and reusing items no longer needed
  • University dining services using food products from c.80 local producers

4. Adoption of Sustainable Lifestyles

  • Greener U Recycling Program
  • Expand no-impact week
  • Suggestions for sustainable holiday celebrations

5. Ecological Education

  • Courses that teach Laudato Si’ content
  • Monthly newsletter feature about species of animals found on campus

6. Ecological Spirituality

  • Guest lectures on ecology
  • Advent and Lent Laudato Si’ reflections
  • Earth Day celebrations

7. Community Resilience and Empowerment

  • Partnering with Catholic parishes, schools, and other organizations


Sustainability at Madonna

Campus Sustainability Efforts:

Drilling and tubing for the geo-thermal wells for the Welcome Center
Solar Panels installed atop the Franciscan Center building
Hallway Recycle Stations
Franciscan Center Garden
Welcome Center charge stations