Rental of University Facilities

Madonna University with its peaceful and convenient Livonia campus offers classroom, lecture, conference, and meeting space for rent. Although not all of our facilities are available for rent to the general public, Madonna University’s individualized and special programs occasionally allow for rental opportunities of our athletic facilities and other unique spaces.

In addition to room rental, Madonna University provides additional room support and services – additional charges may apply:

  • Computer and Projection - Available in all classrooms, meeting rooms, and lecture halls at no additional charge. Charges may apply in other facilities.
  • Portable Lectern with Microphone, Flip Chart with markers, and Video Conferencing (compressed video) - Available in classrooms, meeting rooms, gym & lecture halls.
  • Technical Support - Available in classrooms, meeting rooms, lecture halls, gym & athletic facilities. 
  • Catering - Available through our partnership with Sodexo. 

Renters are responsible for any loss of, or damage to audio visual equipment that might occur during the rental.

For more information, please see below or contact us for more details!

Procedure for the Use and Scheduling of University Facilities

  1. General Conditions
    • University classrooms, lecture halls, meeting spaces, sports facilities, and audio/video recording facilities may be available for public use in accordance with the mission and policies of Madonna University.
    • Use of the Activities Center and/or all outdoor fields by external organizations will be subordinate to the University’s activities and athletic events.
    • The licensee must agree to save and hold harmless Madonna University and must agree to assume responsibility for all liabilities arising during the occupancy of said facilities. The University will not be liable for any damages to persons or property arising from the use of the rented area/facility and Madonna University will not be responsible for lost or stolen articles.
    • Madonna University reserves the right to deny use of its facilities by any external organization at its sole discretion. Some factors in the determination may include the suitability of the purpose for rental in a Catholic institution, inability or failure to provide adequate and acceptable insurance, scheduling conflicts, or other needs of the University which may prohibit the use of space.
  1. Applications for Use
    • Any organization or individual wishing to use University facilities shall make the request at least one month in advance. All requests for the use of the facilities are managed by a designated individual in one of each of the following departments: Athletics, Technology Learning Services, and Business Office.
    • Licensees may not assign, transfer, sublet, or charge a fee to others for the use of University property.
  1. Special Requirements and Restrictions On Use
    • The University may not be used for teaching or promoting any theory or doctrine contrary to the philosophy or mission of Madonna University, of a subversive nature or which is intended to undermine or overthrow the government of the United States. This restriction does not prohibit the discussion of controversial subjects in a public forum.
    • Smoking is not permitted within Madonna University buildings or on the Madonna University Athletic complex. Intoxicating drinks and unlawful drugs within any of the University facilities are prohibited. Any person under the influence of liquor or drugs shall not be permitted to remain on the premises. The party signing the application will be responsible for these controls.
    • Licensees may make no alterations to the facility and may not post decorations without prior written approval. Licensees are required to remove any approved decoration at the end of their event. Licensee will accept responsibility for any damage made by the addition or removal of decorations to University facilities.
    • The simultaneous use of facilities by two or more groups will not reduce the fees.
    • A certificate of insurance with limits of liability of $1,000,000 each occurrence and $3,000,000 aggregate naming the University as an additional insured, will be required of Category II groups as determined by the Vice President for Finance and Operations.
    • Permits, if required by the City of Livonia, the County of Wayne, or the State of Michigan must be presented three (3) days prior to the scheduled use date.
    • Food Service arrangements will be handled by the University Director of Food Service and must be made directly between licensee and the Director of Food Service. All food services, catering, and/or refreshments on campus MUST be arranged through the University’s onsite food services contractor.
    • Requests for media equipment and technical support will be handled by the Technology Learning Services department. In addition to the room rental fee, there is a daily rental fee for media equipment and a technical support fee if deemed required by the University.
    • Payment for the rental of facilities may only be made by check and must be made payable to Madonna University. Cash, credit card, or debit card payments are not accepted. Payment is due in full no later than one week prior to the scheduled rental or rental will be cancelled.


  1. University media equipment and technical support are available for additional fees. The charges for the use of media equipment and technical support fees will be added to the room rental fee as part of the Facility Use Agreement and must be paid in advance of the scheduled event.
  2. The Office of Public Safety will be on notice for all scheduled events and will provide assistance in emergencies at no additional charge to all Facility Use licensees.
  3. Campus “courtesy” phones are designated in several areas on campus for on-campus internal calls, as well as for calls to 911 local responders and are available at no additional charge to all Facility Use licensees.
  4. Madonna University Custodial Services department will ensure the space is cleaned before and after the scheduled event. Additionally, public restrooms will be available at no additional charge as part of each Facility Use Agreement.
  5. Failure to pay the invoice or provide adequate and acceptable insurance coverage prior to the scheduled event may result in cancellation.
  6. No changes of arrangements will be allowed within 48 hours of the event without otherwise incurring additional charges.
  7. A Facility Use Agreement is considered valid if, and only when, the licensee has:
    1. obtained an executed document with the signatures of both an authorized representative of the licensee’s organization and the Madonna University Vice President for Finance and Operations.
    2. paid in full for the fees as agreed upon in the Facility Use Agreement.

Facility Type



20 – 80

Conference Room


Lecture Hall

220 – 280

Performance Hall / Activities Center


Gym - PAAAC Building (wood floor/bleachers)

600 - 800

Gym - Administration Bldg  (wood floor/bleachers)


Softball diamond (turf)


Baseball diamond (grass)


Soccer field (turf)


Track field