Current Details for Limited Access to Campus

Campus Scenery Gazebo Focus

Dear Madonna Students and Visitors,
I hope this message finds you and those you love safe and healthy. I’m writing to provide information about Fall Semester course modifications, and visits to campus over the next month, until the full campus reopening plan is released in early August. During this time, faculty and staff will continue to make accommodations to interact virtually with students and potential visitors.

Beginning today and for the immediate future, students and visitors have limited access to campus. Which means that before coming to campus, students and visitors will need to make an appointment with the person or department they need to visit, complete the self-screening survey, and while on campus wear a mask and maintain 6-ft. social distancing. See the details below.

Course modifications

In order to provide the best academic experience and keep everyone safe, we are modifying some courses to hybrid and online delivery. Students may notice these changes on their schedule or when they look at books on the Tree of Life bookstore’s site, because changes are being made one course at a time, over the next couple weeks. The course number will end in ZB if it is hybrid or WB if it is online. Rest assured that we will be open for on-campus classes this fall, but there will be a few more hybrid and online courses.

Current details for limited access to campus

  • Make an Appointment

Students and visitors are asked to come to campus by appointment only, to meet with a particular department or person.

  • Complete the Self-Screening Survey

Students and visitors must complete the appropriate online Self-Screening Survey and take their temperature at home before coming to campus for their appointment. The links to the Student, and Visitor Self-Screening Surveys are available on this web page, as well as on the HOME page of MYPortal, in the Coronavirus/COVID-19 Updates section.

The results of the self-screening survey will be sent to the student or visitor via email and to Madonna’s campus health officer for confidential review and follow-up.

If the student or visitor does not pass the Self-Screening Survey or is unable to come to campus, they should notify the University faculty/staff member or department, with whom they had the appointment, that they will not be coming to campus.

  • Wear a Mask and Practice Social Distancing

Students and visitors should maintain a minimum of 6 feet from other individuals at all times.

A mask covering the nose and mouth must be worn by all students and visitors indoors while on campus, and also outdoors when interacting with others.

Faculty and staff will try to meet with students and visitors outdoors on-campus when possible.

  • Use these Building Entrances

The faculty/staff member with whom you have an appointment will meet you at one of the following designated entrances, as agreed upon when you make your appointment:

  • Administration Building: West Entrance just past the construction trailer, or the North Entrance across from the Franciscan Center.
  • DiPonio Building: Northwest Entrance across from the Maertens Building.
  • Franciscan Center: South Entrance across from the Administration Building
  • Maertens Building: East Entrance across from the DiPonio Building.

This website will continue to be the source for information and updates. We also will provide updates via email and through our social media channels.

Thank you for your help in keeping our Madonna community safe. I look forward to seeing our students on campus really soon.

For Madonna,
Michael A. Grandillo, Ph.D.