LIVONIA, MICH. – The theme of the 28th Annual Nolan Awards was Around the World in 80 Minutes, and the stage was decorated with hot air balloons. As the faculty, students, alumni, and guests journeyed to Nolandia, each student award recipient was granted a visa for their academic statistics, and the theme music was scored by Aldrich Libo-on Jr., Humanities Nolan Award Winner.
The dance performance interlude featured Madison Vinitski, choreographer and soloist, and the Nolan Award Winner for dance.
Other recipients of the 2023 Ernest I. Nolan Awards for Excellence in the Arts and Sciences include:
Alyssa Benvenuti, Nutrition and Wellness
Nicholas Conrad, Biology
Samantha Pashigian, Forensic Science
Jordyn Dawson, Biochemistry
Nadia Troiani, Graphic Design
Kattie Popko, Art Education
Vanessa Szalkowski, Biomedical Sciences
Gina Dossantos, Spanish
Jeremiah Brown, Broadcast and Cinema Arts
Shelby Cartpenter, Sign Language Interpreting Studies