From Volleyball Star to Political Journalist: Luisa Wiewgorra's Journey at Madonna

luisa wiewgorra pictured with a microphone

LIVONIA, MICH. – Luisa Wiewgorra '21, '24 (Journalism and PR, Broadcast and Cinema Arts, MBA), brought her career and experience in television journalism from Germany to the U.S. on a volleyball scholarship to Madonna. After earning her bachelor's degree, Wiewgorra worked at Comet Interactive in Detroit, then moved to Lansing and joined Fox 47 News as a multimedia journalist. Her commitment to learning led her to pursue an MBA at Madonna, where she gained PR insights. In early 2023, she returned to Germany, where she thrives as a political journalist at RTL News showcasing her skills in planning, interviewing, and coordinating shoots. She has continued to pursue her MBA online and will complete her degree this year. 

Wiewgorra expressed gratitude to faculty members Neal Haldane, Paula Fournier, Cheryl Chodun, Hadeel Betti, Chris Nickin, and Robin Ward. She gives credit to Madonna for her life-changing experiences, emphasizing the impact of individuals like Karen Sanborn, who helped her believe in herself. 

a peer mentor smiling for the camera

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