Greetings Madonna Family,

During these challenging and difficult times of the Coronavirus Pandemic, we as a faith community turn to prayer rooted in our faith and our trust in God. Madonna’s Mission Core team invites you, as a community of faith, to pray the following prayer each Monday at Noon; for ourselves, our loved ones, and those most in need. If you would like us to remember someone who is sick or who has died, please send, with appropriate permission, their name(s) to jdcox@madonna.edu.  

A Prayer of Remembrance and Hope

(pray each Monday at Noon)

In the midst of uncertainty we hold fast to the solid bedrock of our faith to steady us in times of trial, to calm us when panicked, to embrace us when alone and to carry us when we feel we are too weak to go on.

God of unending compassion, you ask that in times of crisis, we keep our eyes fixed on You, who are our source, our direction and our destination. Hold us all in Your loving and tender embrace.

We believe that You never leave us! And as You hold fast to us, may we also hold fast to one another in prayer and remember: especially those who have died, those who are ill, those selfless caregivers in hospitals and in homes who care for loved ones and for those who live in fear of being alone.

Even though we are apart physically, weave together our hearts into a living tapestry-

  • of comfort for those grieving,
  • of hope for those despairing,
  • of light for those in dark places.

Create among us a spiritual bonding that unites our many hearts from our many homes to be a comfort to anyone of us that we claim as our Madonna family.

Empower our prayers and our hopes to ‘change lives’, plant faith, enflesh our care, and make the concern of one the concern of us all.

We walk with faith because we believe that in every situation, You Faithful God, are always with us! Amen.

Wellspring for Living Stones

The world is experiencing unprecedented change, but the Madonna University mission is steadfast. The faculty and staff of the Mission Core Team would like to share resources to help guide our community through uncharted waters. They are rooted in the MU mission to instill Christian humanistic values, intellectual inquiry, a respect for diversity, and a commitment to serving others. They have helped bring our team peace of mind and sense of purpose, and we are honored to share them with you.

Volume 13: August 12, 2020
Volume 12: July 22, 2020
Volume 11: July 8, 2020
Volume 10: June 17, 2020
Volume 9: June 4, 2020
Volume 8: May 27, 2020
Volume 7: May 20, 2020
Volume 6: May 13, 2020
Volume 5: May 6, 2020
Volume 4: April 29, 2020
Volume 3: April 22, 2020
Volume 2: April 15, 2020
Volume 1: April 8, 2020

Campus Ministry candle lighting

Campus Ministry

Opportunities  to respond to God's call to engage in a community of faith

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