
Resolution #   Description
F16-R-1:  Increase dining hours on campus in all 3 of the dining choices; Stack’s Deli, the University Dining Hall, and the Take Five.
F16-R-2:  Advocate for the installation of two (2) sand volleyball courts on Madonna University’s Livonia campus.
F16-R-3: Improve residence hall emergency protocol to better serve student needs, in light of the events the morning of Thursday, September 29, 2016.
F16-R-4: Advocate for the addition of meals and points to resident student meal plans.
F16-R-5: Advocate for timely campus safety alerts and more transparent incident reports.
F16-R-6: Advocate for the installment of charging stations on Madonna University’s Livonia campus.
F16-R-7: Establish a system that allows for the University to band together for a speedy relief effort to provide aid in the forms of monetary donations and requested supplies for the victims of Hurricane Matthew.
F16-R-8: Establish a system that allows for the University to band together for a speedy response to provide disaster relief, by collecting monetary donations and needed supplies in the relief effort.
F16-R-9: Support the victims of the Tennessee Fires.
W17-R-1: Advocate for the installation of new lighting by the basketball hoops in the Residence Hall parking lot.
W17-R-2: Advocate for the allowance of opposite sex overnight guests in the residence hall.
W17-R-3: Add a handicap accessible entrance to the West Wing/Dining area of the Residence Hall.
W17-R-4: Advocate for the replacement of paper towel dispensers with electric hand dryers in all Madonna University bathrooms.
W17-R-5: Provide credit card readers at each Registered Student Organization event table held at Madonna University.
W17-R-6: Advocate for the inclusion for a section in all Madonna University course syllabi informing students of any and all mental health/counseling services available to them as Madonna University students.
W17-R-7: relocate all six vending machines to advocate for the renovation of the take 5 lounge eating area.
W17-R-8: Advocate for the installment of a Spirit Rock and security camera on Madonna University’s Livonia campus.


Advocate for the relocation of the basketball hoops.


Advocate for the installation of school supplies in the vending machines around campus. 


Advocate for the creation of a hammock lounge on campus. 
