Contact Us

Dr. Kate French
Chair of Undergraduate Teacher Education

Dr. Sue Ann Sharma

Chair of Graduate Education

Dr. Anne-Marie Sladewski

Director of Assessment

(734) 432- 5651

Education Division CAEP Data

The following Education programs are accredited with stipulations:



As part of our effort to show our continuous improvement and demonstrate transparency, the Education Division of the College of Education and Human Development, as directed by our accrediting body (Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation), make the following data available as part of our Annual Reporting Measures:

CAEP Accountability Measures: (CAEP Standard 4)

1. Completer effectiveness and impact on P-12 student learning
Completer effectiveness:

As indicated by our Educator Preparation Institution (EPI) Score report, we received a Satisfactory rating from the Michigan Department of Education. The calculation of this score considers the effectiveness ratings of our completers in their first three years of teaching.

Madonna University's score (2023)

How score is calculated (2023)

Below are data provided from the Michigan Department of Education regarding teacher effectiveness for the 2022-2023 school year for graduates in their first three years in the field.

1 0 0 0 0 0
2 1 0 1 0 0
3 3 3 1 0 0



Impact on P12 student learning:

Our Case Study Research Assessment (CSRA) is an interview protocol involving first-year teachers who replicated data collection assignments from their preparation in their current setting.  The purpose of the CSRA is two-fold: our graduates provide our institution with student-growth data, and the interview provides an opportunity for the graduates to discuss strengths and weaknesses in our teacher preparation program.  We have recruited three current student teachers after explaining the interview protocol, which teachers find less daunting than simply submitting written results. We are in the data collection phase with this year’s educators. Themes from the two previous years of interviews include the following:

    • Graduate felt that the EPP prepared them to make data-driven decisions.
    • Graduates were able to reflect on their strengths and areas for improvement.
    • Overall, the graduates felt that the institution also prepared them to differentiate instruction based on student ability.

2.      Satisfaction of employers and stakeholder involvement

Satisfaction of employers and stakeholder involvement. Unfortunately the low “N” did not allow us to analyze any trends. (Administrator Survey Results: 2022-2023)

3.      Candidate competency at completion

  • Based on last year's data, our 3-year pass rates for initial and cumulative attempts have decreased.
   2014-2017   2015-2018   2016-2019   2017-2020  2019-2022 2020-2023
Initial 76.1% 77.3% 77.0% 77.4% 79.2% 53.8
Cumulative 88.4% 89.7% 92.6% 93.4% 83.3% 61.5

4.      Ability of completers to be hired in the area of licensure

The MDE’s 2022-2023 Year Out survey data indicates that 3 of 3 respondents have secured employment in their teaching field. 

The University continues to work to identify methods to track completers of advanced programs into positions related to their preparation.