Success & Retention Support Services

Early Alert 

As part of our institutional retention plan, we ask all faculty to participate in our Early Alert system, which is an effort to identify students who are in academic jeopardy.  If faculty are concerned about a student's performance in their class, they submit the student to Early Alert with a category of what the concern is.  The categories are: Non-Attendance, Decreased Performance, Frequent Absences, Missing Assignments, Significant Low Grade, Lack of Participation and Other.

Once a faculty member submits a student to the Early Alert system, a physical letter and email is sent to the student from the Office of Student Success & Retention notifying them of the faculty member's concern.  An AIM Mentor (typically a Success Coach or other staff member on campus who works with a specific population of students) reaches out to offer support and encourage the student to meet to discuss next steps in order to be successful in the course.

Academic Standing Monitoring

At the end of each semester, final grades are reviewed and the academic status of each student is adjusted as needed.  This can result in students being put on a probation status of Probation, Extended Probation, or Final Probation.

When a student is put on any form of probation, a hold goes on their student account that can only be removed by their AIM Mentor (typically a Success Coach or other staff member on campus who works with a specific population of students).  AIM Mentors reach out to students within a few days of the holds being put on to let them know the steps they need to take to get the hold removed.  Students typically need to meet in person or on the phone with their AIM Mentor to discuss a plan for moving forward in their academics and what resources they will need to be successful in their future courses.

Further information on probation status can be found in the Undergraduate Catalog (pages 49-54).

Recessed // Reinstatement Process

When final grades are reviewed at the end of each semester, if the student has been unsuccessful in their courses, it is possible for them to be Recessed.  A student is Recessed either when they take 6 or more credits and receive failing grades for all courses, or they have previously been on Probation and have continued to earn a GPA lower than 2.0.  A chart showing how Academic Standing is determined can be found in the Undergraduate Catalog on page 54.

Once a student has been Recessed, they must wait a semester before they can be considered for Reinstatement to the University.  To be considered, the student must complete the Special Request form through the Registrar's Office.  This form and the accompanying documents must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the semester the student would like to return to the institution.  Once completed, the student will be contacted to meet with their Success Coach to discuss their plans for being successful if they were to return to the University.

If the student has attended another institution since their time at Madonna University, they must also apply for Readmission through the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.  An admissions decision will not be made until the student has gone through the Reinstatement process.

Withdrawal Guide-- Items to Consider

Use the following list as a guide to help you navigate the process of not returning to the university: (Note that not all items may apply to your situation.)

  • Before you withdraw from or drop your classes, speak with your advisor. Your advisor can help determine what options are available to you in your situation. Withdrawing may or may not be the best choice if you have already begun courses for a particular semester. Depending on when you withdraw, you may be responsible for all or part of the tuition and fees.
  • Determine Financial Aid implications. Withdrawing from the University may have implications on your future financial aid eligibility and student loan repayment. If you receive Federal financial aid and completely withdraw from courses, you must have your financial aid eligibility recalculated. As a result, you may owe money to Madonna University and/or the US Department of Education. Failure to pay back excess funds may result in the loss of all future financial aid. Also, if you received federal student loans and will not be attending any institution at least half-time, you must complete exit counseling and will have to begin making payments on loans.
  • Notify key offices of your plans to withdraw. It is important to notify your advisor and/or Registrar’s Office if you do not intend to return so that we can withdraw you from any current courses and ensure you are not registered for any future semesters. Also if you are a student with military experience, international student, or student-athlete, be sure to notify the appropriate office to determine if there are any additional considerations or steps you need to take.
  • Complete a short survey regarding your experience by visiting this link. Your answers to survey will be used in order to help us to improve the student experience here at Madonna University.
  • Pay any remaining charges on your student account. You will not be able register at the University in the future or request an official transcript, if any unpaid, past-due charges remain on your account (tuition, fees, etc.). If your account is past due, it may be referred to a collection agency.
  • Consider your housing contract or lease. If you live on campus, notify the Office of Residence Life of your decision to withdraw. There may be financial implications for canceling your housing contract.
  • Return any materials on loan from the University. Library books, lab equipment, keys, and any other University materials must be returned promptly to avoid late fees and/or replacement costs
  • If you are transferring to another institution, send official transcripts to your new school. New institutions will typically require an official transcript. Once you are certain that all grades have posted and you have paid all charges on your student account, order an official transcript to be sent to the new school.